Kevin Martin Dunks On Greg Oden

Oct 21, 2008

It's about time someone dunked on Greg Oden. Let's keep this up fellas.

Previously: Kevin Martin Dunks On DeSagana Diop


inyoface said...

Hopefully if his body holds up, Oden's gonna be a poster highlight machine on BOTH ends of the floor for years to come.

Poor Serge Rodriguez. Somebody get the young man some ice for his ankles... and his ego.

And when did Kevin Martin turn into Scottie friggin' Pippen all of a sudden? He's getting to the hole a lot more lately. Think maybe Reggie Theus passed along some coaching tips from his SlamBall years?


Antone said...

I was thinking the same thing about Martin. He seems to be going to the hoop more and could have a monster season this year.

inyoface said...

Apologies to Serge, those are Rudy's ankles that got left on the floor.


Anonymous said...

maybe somebody should show kevin martin that you can only take 2 steps off the dribble, not 12

Antone said...

Maybe we only care about the dunk. Still would be a nice dunk even if he got called for a travel.

inyoface said...

Well, dayum! lol I got my 0.5 seconds of fame on Yahoo!, huh?

I do agree with those on Y! suggesting I was reaching quite a bit with the comparisons to Pip.

K-Mart Lite definitely isn't at Scottie's old level as far his overall game, but what stands out is his newfound Pippenish aggressiveness in getting to the hoop. He's showing a confidence he probably hasn't had since his days dominating at Western Carolina. It's gotta be Reggie telling him to go strong (especially since he can make his FTs when he gets hacked in the lane).


Anonymous said...

huh? no big deal. just a normal dunk. duh. and oden is not on the middle to block the dunk. boring.

Antone said...

Damn, I guess no one appreciates the art of dunking on Greg Oden except for me and inyoface.

Just for the record, at You Got Dunked On, it is considered getting dunked on if the player either reaches for the block or has part of his body in the way when the other player is dunking.

Oden was clearly reaching to block the dunk so he was dunked on. Not as impressive as some other dunks, but the this is the first time someone has dunked on Oden. The Kings even had money on who would dunk on him first.

Anonymous said...

For some odd reason this dunk reminds me of the best dunk I have ever seen,

Ronnie Price flying-

Anonymous said...

ronnie Price dunk here

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